Batman signal lamp
Batman signal lamp

Since it's hard to tell which one is canon and which isn't, this section will provide all instances for a historical perspective. There have been many accounts of the Bat-Signal's first appearance and the circumstances in which this happened. The Bat-Signal was a large searchlight located on the rooftop of the GCPD Headquarters. When Sergeant Harvey Bullock was granted permission to the rooftop of the GCPD HQ, he caused minor and major damages to the Bat-Signal as he once accidentally spilled coffee on top of it and later smashed half of the signal's glass, while putting his usual clumsy act. Ĭommissioner Gordon also included a mobile Bat-Signal on his police car, which he used to summon Batman to different locations around the city, where his quick assistance was most needed. Gordon was saved by Batman just as the bomb exploded, destroying the Bat-Signal. However, the repair people were hired thugs by Gordon's opponent who placed a bomb in the Bat-Signal, which would explode with the heat of the light. The first failed murder attempt on Batman caused the shattering of the glass lamp of the Bat-Signal, which Gordon soon had repaired. ĭuring a re-election campaign for Police Commissioner, Gordon and Batman were attacked by Gordon's current enemy who sought to eliminate them both.

batman signal lamp

With the Bat-Signal broken and damaged, Gordon had to use public funds for the repair.


Fortunately, Batman managed to break free before the signal could be activated, but he had to break through the glass to escape. Knowing of the importance of the Bat-Signal, the Signalman captured Batman and tied him inside the giant searchlight, in hopes that he would be burned alive when Commissioner Gordon activated the signal. With time, the Bat-Signal became the primary way to contact Batman, as the Dark Knight tried to avoid being at everyone's reach.

batman signal lamp

The Bat-Signal was then used as the last resort to get in touch with the Caped Crusader. However, this Bat-Signal was largely replaced by Batman's Hot-Line, which was a direct telephone between Gordon's office and the Batcave. The Bat-Signal was the main contact method between Batman and the GCPD and Sergeant Harvey Hainer was in charge of activating the signal. For this purpose, a small light bulb and a phone connected to Commissioner Gordon's office was installed in order to notify Hainer the times when he had to activate the Bat-Signal. Some time later, an elderly police officer, Sergeant Harvey Hainer, who was no longer capable of patrolling the streets or going out on missions, was placed in charge of activating the Bat-Signal. Larger, changeable and more powerful carriage.Outer casing of duraluminium covered with bullet-proof glass.Bullet-proof glass handground for clarity.Super Carbon Arc Filaments to produce a beam 100 times brighter than a normal searchlight.For this reason, Batman designed a new Bat-Signal with the following features: During it's early days, some criminals shot the Bat-Signal and others stole it to prevent communication between Gordon and Batman.

batman signal lamp

The Bat-Signal played a very important role on Batman's crime-fighting career and soon it became a tool besides a summoning beacon. However, when Batman uncovered a large criminal network behind Gordon's demotion, the Mayor reinstated Gordon as Police Commissioner and the Bat-Signal was repaired. When Commissioner Gordon was removed from his charge, his replacement destroyed the Bat-Signal using an axe and ended the GCPD's connection with Batman.

Batman signal lamp